> Womens Foundation Pairs
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Season: 2025
Tournament: Participation Events
Competition type: Knockout
Stage: Early Rounds
Total entries available: 4929
Entries left: 4860
Womens Foundation Pairs
Each match shall consist of 2 sets of 9 ends, 1 point for a set win, ½ point for a set tie.
A set will be decided if at any point it becomes impossible to win, or draw given the number of ends remaining.
If the scores are equal when both sets have been played, an additional end or ends shall be played until a set result is reached.
Entry Fee: £8.00
Current list of entries received are available to view here > Available soon
Competition Stages
Early Rounds - Play by dates
This competition shall comprise of 32 county based areas, each area will play down to an area winner. All 32 area winners will advance to the All England Round of 32.
Counties with a high number of entries may be split into two areas.
Counties with a low number of entries may be paired with a neighbouring county to form an area.
All England Rounds of 32/16
Area winners will play off against neighbouring areas reducing the field from 32 to 8.
National Finals - Schedule
The last 8 will compete in the Aviva National Bowls Finals on Thursday 28th August 2025
Duplications at National Finals
By entering Bowls England National Events you acknowledge that should a duplication occur during the Aviva National Bowls Finals proirity will be given to blue Riband and Performance events. Substitues/and or other squad members will be required in this event should a duplication occur.
This event will run alongside the following rounds in these events below:
Womens Foundation Pairs |
Event | Round |
Q/F | Womens Singles | S/F |
Q/F | Mixed Fours | Q/F |
S/F | Mens Pairs | Final |
S/F | Club Two Fours | Q/F |
Final | Mixed Fours | S/F |
Final | Club Two Fours | S/F |
Final | Womens Singles | S/F |