Mixed O60 Inter County - Draw now live

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Season: 2025

Tournament: Team Spirit Events

Competition type: Knockout

Stage: Early Rounds

Total entries available: 0

Entries left: 0



Twenty Four (12 men & 12 Women)


Open to selected Club affiliated members of clubs within the county 60 years and older on the 1st April 2025


Six rinks of four players being two men & two women per team each playing 21 ends

Two bowls each per player

Failure to field 24 players shall result in a walkover


The total number of shots across all six rinks shall determine the winner

All six rinks shall be played simultaneously

In the event of a tie after 21 ends then an extra end or ends shall be played by all six rinks simultaneously until there is a winner

The total number of shots on all six rinks shall count on the extra end


Substitutes are allowed during play in line with the current ruling within the Laws of the Sport

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